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VALENTINOVO AKCIJA (01.02.-29.02.2020.)

1+1 gratis na tretman čišćenja zubnog kamenca i izbjeljivanja zubi.

|  Comments

I had problems with my teeth my whole life. Finding a dentist who will truly take care of your oral health is extremely difficult in this city. Until I heard about this dental practice. I went for a consultation and the extreme makeover started. For the first time I had someone explain to me what should be done and what would be for good for me and my health. The girls in the dental practice dr. Marčetić won’t just change the appearance of your teeth, they will change your life! Thank you for a Hollywood smile!


For the first time ever I felt comfortable at the dentist. I would definitely recommend it to everyone! The girls are awesome!


|  Find out if you are a good candidate for:

A beautiful smile is individual. Each of us is individual, so a beautiful smile can be achieved only if each patient is given ‘their own’ smile. This is what we are striving for, and we believe we have a sense of beauty.

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|  Opening hours

MON, WED, FRI 9:00-16:00
TUE, THU 13:30-20:30

☎ +385(0)1 4822 137

Make your appointment or send us an inquiry!

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Complete dental makeover stands for comprehensive dental rehabilitation with special emphasis on individual smile aesthetics. Without oral health and normal function, there is no aesthetics. For each person it may signify something else, depending on their mouth condition….

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